Expense Reports are used to track business expenses. You may have spent personal funds which need to be reimbursed by the business. Alternatively, you might make use of a company bank card, where expenses need to be reconciled to bank statement transactions. Finally, you may have received pre-paid funds for purchasing business expenses.
Because the Expense Report configuration and processes are tightly linked between Chase Production and Business Central, some setup is required.
The Expense Report allows you to capture individual expenses with the details of an attached receipt, such as the expense date, VAT amount, and total amount. You will also need to categorise the expense using a Work Type. You can optionally link an expense to a Job. This creates a Supplier Invoice on the job, which can be used to bill the job's client, in a process known as "client recharge". You might need to split an expense into multiple lines, either because different VAT rates apply to items on the same expense, or because you've purchased multiple items relating to different jobs or work types.
Once you've captured your expenses in an expense report, you can submit the expense report to your manager for approval. On approval in Chase, it will be exported to Business Central for further processing.
Below are steps to show you how to add an Expense Report.
- With Chase open, click the Expense button on the Ribbon.
- The My Expense Reports list appears in a tree view. Click the button to add a new expense report.
The Add Report dialog appears. Choose the applicable option for yourself, using the Paid From drop down. This will set the Description for the current year and month, which you can optionally change, then click Add.
The Paid From options can cater for the following types of claims, depending on your setup in Business Central:
- Credit Card - expenses were incurred using a company bank card, and need to be reconciled to transactions on a bank statement
- Reimbursable - you spent your own money and need to be reimbursed
- Prepayment - the company pre-paid funds to you, so that you could incur business expenses
The report will be added under My Expense Reports. However, if you are capturing expenses on behalf of another employee, it will be added under Other Expense Reports.
- To add an expense, click the Add Line button.
- A new line will be added with today's date by default. Set the Date to match the receipt and enter a short Description for the expense.
Optionally select the Job related to the expense.
Once you select a job, a Draft Supplier Invoice is created on the relevant Job, which will change to Captured when the Expense Report is Posted. You can find these Expenses under the Supplier Invoice section of the Job documents. It is possible to bill the job client for these expenses. This process is commonly known as "client recharge".
Select the Work Type which correctly categorises the expense.
Select the correct VAT Type and enter the total receipt value in the Amount (Incl) field.
If the receipt contains mixed VAT types, you can split the line and apply different VAT types accordingly (see step 10b below).Attach any supporting receipts or documents by clicking the Attachments button.
- You can split an expense into multiple lines if different VAT rates apply to items on the same expense, or if you've purchased multiple items which relate to different jobs or work types.
- To split a line across multiple Jobs or work types, click the Split Expense button.
- To split a line into VAT and non-VAT lines, enter a lower value into the VAT column. The system will recognise that you want to split the line. If you click OK, it will calculate the values accordingly for the VAT and non-VAT lines.
- To split a line across multiple Jobs or work types, click the Split Expense button.
Repeat steps 4 - 10 to add more expense lines.
Submit the Expense Report for approval by changing the Status from Draft to Approved. This will initiate a configured workflow. The default workflow will require approval by your Manager, as set up in your User Details and the Workflow Setup.
Once approved, the Expense Report cannot be cancelled.
Once the Expense Report is approved in Chase, it will be exported to Business Central for further processing.