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If the Translation you require does not exist, Chase allows you to add a new one.  

Find out how to:

Step-by-step guide

Adding a Translation

  1. Click the Settings button on the Ribbon.

  2. On the Configuration screen, click the Company Configuration group to expand it and select Translations.

  3. The Translations screen appears. Ensure that the Setup Translations tab is selected, click the Form field, and select the screen or document to update.

  4. Click the Copy button to copy the currently selected Translation to a new one.

    To create new translation set, you have to copy an existing one and update the newly created Translation accordingly.

  5. The Copy Translation dialog appears. Enter a Short Code and Translation Name.

  6. Click the Ok button to create the new Translation.

    The new Translation appears as the selected item in the Translation set field.  Notice that once the Translation is created, the Display Text field and all Toolbar buttons become active.

Editing a Translation

  1. To make changes to a Translation Set, change the text in the Display Text field in the relevant row.

  2. Save changes made to the screen.