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Work Types indicate the type of services and products that the agency bills for. They appear as line items on financial documents such as Cost Sheets, Purchase Orders or Tax Invoices. These are defined as internal or external Work Types. Internal Work Types represent billable items to be performed in-house by the agency. External Work Types represent billable items to be supplied by a third party, and for which a cost provision must be made. For more details on Work Type, follow the Work Type Overview help topic. 

Here's a visual demonstration for adding a new Work type

Below are steps to show you how to add a new Work type.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Settings and click on Worktypes in the Configuration tree. 

    The Work Types screen is displayed. Ensure that the correct Group Name is selected.

    For more details on Groups, click here. 
  2. To add a new Work Type, click the + Add New button.

  3. On the New Work Type dialog, enter a unique name for the Work Type

  4. Optionally select the Task Type to which the Work Type is to be linked. 

    A Task type must first be created before it appears on the Task Type field. You can automatically create a new linked Task Type by enabling the linked Task Type functionality. This will allow you to add a new Work Type and a Task Type with the same name.

    For more information on Task types, see Introduction to Task Types.

  5. Optionally select a Category or Business Unit under which this Work Type will be grouped in Reports.

  6. In the Unit Type field, select the unit of measure for this cost e.g Hourly, Daily, Unit (by quantity) etc.

  7. If you know the default rate or amount that this Work Type will be charged at, enter the value in the Unit Cost field. 

    This Unit Cost can be changed on the actual document (CE) unless restricted. For more details on each field, see the Work Types Overview help topic.

  8. Save the new Work Type.

    The new Work Type will be added to the Work Types screen. 

  9. To ensure that the Work Type is active, select a Markup value, or ensure that the Internal checkbox is checked. 

  10. Save changes made to the screen.

    The Work Type created can now be used on your CE and on financial documents.

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