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You can enter basic details about your company in the Company Details feature.  This includes details such as contact details, traffic settings, server setup and a variety of related options.

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Contact Details

You can enter the company contact information and address from this tab (Settings > Company Configuration > Company Details).

Field NameDescription

Enter the trading name of the company.

Full Name

Enter the full legal name of the company to be printed on financial documents, for example Big Ad Agency (Pty) Ltd.

Tel 1

Enter a primary company telephone number.

Tel 2Enter a secondary telephone number.
FaxEnter the company fax number.
Postal Address

Enter the company's postal address.

Physical Address

Enter the company's street address.


Enter the company's public email address. This is normally a catchall address such as This address will be displayed on most financial documents created in Chase.


Enter the company's website URL.

Company Settings

The Company Settings tab allows you to enter basic financial information about your Company.

Field NameDescription
Studio Cost/hrEnter your default studio rate. During job reconciliation, this figure will be applied to the estimated hours on a Job's Cost Sheet to calculate expected income. 
Tax Rate %

Enter the default sales tax rate for the agency's region, e.g. 15% VAT.

VAT Rounding TypeSpecify how the system must round VAT when calculated for the local currency.  Select to round VAT per line item, or on the document's total amount. The default is per line.
Home Currency

Enter the agency's default currency.

Tax Reg No.

Enter the agency's company tax number.

Tax NameEnter the tax type used in the agency or region, e.g. VAT or GST.
Co Reg. No.

Enter the agency's company registration number.

Default Daily Hours for TasksEnter the number of hours per day that will be automatically assigned to tasks that take longer than one day to complete. This default value can be changed when such a task is created.
Move PO with Exported Docs

Allow Purchase Orders to be moved between Jobs even if their Supplier Invoices have already been exported to your accounting package. Uncheck this option to prevent this. 

Move PO to destination Client with matching Tax No
Allow Move of billed Job where destination Client has matching Tax No
Move Exported SInv
Web logoEnter a valid path on your server to where the company logo is located.  This is the logo that will appear on all printed documents.
Logo AlignmentIndicate whether the logo should be placed on the right, centre or left of printed documents.  By default, the logo is aligned right.
Show Report Timestamp

Check this option to print the date and time the report was created in the footer. 

Default Text Doc Font FamilySelect the font type for all documents.
Default Text Doc Font Size

Select the size of the font type selected above.

Job Element Must Be Unique

Check this option if you want all Job elements to be unique.

Enable PDF Encryption

Check this option to produce encrypted PDFs that cannot be altered.

Traffic Settings

You configure the traffic settings in accordance to traffic requirements from this tab.  The settings are primarily for the Traffic module, and Calendar view of the Tasks and All Tasks areas of Chase. 

Field NameDescription
Work Day StartSelect the time that the company starts operating.
Work Day FinishSelect the business closing time.

Lunch Start

Lunch Finish

Select the time that employees take their lunch.
Overtime ThresholdEnter the relevant overtime threshold number.
Always Show All Task Types

Check this option to always show Task types.

Timesheet Lockout SettingsSelect the relevant options in this section to enable a system-wide lockout. This forces all employees who have not yet completed their old timesheets to do so without being able to access anything else in Chase accept for Timesheets.  See how to set up a timesheet lockout.
Lockout TypeSelect the type of lockout to use from this field. This can be based on a day of the week, or on a specific date.
Activation Alert TimeEnter the time you want to send a message to employees about the lockout.
Grace Period (Hours)Enter the number of hours employees have to complete any incomplete timesheets before the lockout occurs.
Calendar Integration

If you have Calendar Integration set up, these details will appear in this section. See how to set up Users for Calendar Integration.

Server Setup

Set up your server details on this tab.

Field NameDescription
Server FolderLocal path to the Chase server setup folder.
Chase ShareNetwork path to the documents folder within Chase server specifically for storage of the external documents in Chase.
Shared DocsFTP Address.
Mail Svr SMTPThe name or IP address of the client (usually specified by IT).
SMTP UserUsername for the server (preferably a Chase specific one, for example
SMTP PasswordPassword for the above username.
SMTP Port NumberThe port the SMTP server uses to send mail (usually 25 or 587).
From E-mail Address

An address Chase uses to send the mail. This will be masked by the User's mail address that is logged in.

Chase Setup

Field NameDescription
Chase Net Addr. The client's Chase URL.
Chase Net Admin

The Administrator's address to whom TimeSheet reminder summaries can be sent.

Contractor PAYE WorkType Enabled

Enable this option to indicate the Work type that represents the PAYE portion of a contractor’s fee on a Supplier Invoice.

Take Across Document Details

Enable this option to always take across details from the CE to the invoice or purchase order.

Enable this option to always take across Work type notes from the CE to the invoice or purchase order.
Contractor Paye WorktypeSelect from the list of Work types to represent the PAYE portion of a contractor's fee on a Supplier Invoice.
Agency Fees WorktypeSelect the Work type that represents the fee payable to the managing agent through whom a contractor was hired.
Default Agency Fee %

The default percentage to be used to calculate the managing agent’s portion of payments made to contractors. When entering a Supplier Invoice, this default value can be changed as required.

Portal UrlThe URL for your Client/Supplier portal.
Portal Admin Email

The email address of the User who will be notified of any portal user activity.

Reminder Escalation Period

The number of days before a reminder should be escalated to the User’s manager, and then to the Chase Net Admin.

Remind Days Before DueThe number of days before a reminder is due to be sent.
Explorer Node Configuration

Select from a list of customised document types from the Node Type field, or customise the appearance of a document type's nodes.

Indicate up to three fields to display in a node of the selected document type from the Display field 1, Display field 2 and Display field 3 fields. The order in which the fields are displayed is determined by the sequence of this selection.

Group Supplier Inv & PO by MonthGroup and sort your Supplier Invoices and Purchase Orders by month. This is useful if you have Jobs that run for an extended period of time and you capture a number of Supplier Invoices and Purchase Orders in a month.
Inter Job Transfer

Transfer costs and billing from one Job to another.

Custom Description on Job Bag tasksEnables the free-text Description column in conjunction with the Task type drop down. 
Mock CE EnabledEnable Mock CEs to be created.  

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