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Your agency might not want to share all of the information that appears on a CE, as it will raise questions about the costs that the client has to pay.  Or you might need to print the number of units, the unit price and the amount due by client on the report.  These different ways are all possible when printing a CE for a client.

With the number of options available, you can decide what you need the client to see from your cost sheet. 

Please note that if the following fields are not filled in or completed, they will not appear when printing the CE: Campaign; Category; Product; Contact; Payment Terms; Order No.

There's a May 2021 update which amends the layout of the Cost Estimate and other documents. You can request this update from Chase Support. This comes with additional functionality:

  • certain fields on a CE print preview will not appear if they are not filled in e.g. Campaign; Category; Product; Contact; Payment Terms; Order No.
  • free text work types will display line item notes as the work type name.

Below are steps to show you how to include all the details on a report, but only show the client the overview costs. Please note that the Per Unit Price is not equivalent to the @Cost entered on the Cost Sheet.  

Below are steps to show you how to print a CE.

Step-by-step guide

  1. With the CE that you want to print open, click on the Print drop down arrow on the Toolbar.

  2. Select the relevant print option from the list.

     Print Options
    Cost Estimate - Cost Estimate report - this is the standard Chase CE report. It is usually the default but can be changed.

    Cost Sheet (Without VAT)
    - this option will display the report without VAT but show the number of Units, Per Units, and Amount of the line item.

    Cost Estimate - Cost Estimate (With Units) - displays the number of units, the unit price, and the amount due by the client.

    Cost Estimate (With Units No Totals) - displays the number of units, the unit price, and the amount due by the client. This option does not display the Totals.

    Cost Estimate - Cost Estimate Sub Totals Only - displays Sub Totals to summarise line items on a CE.

    Cost Estimate With Notes As Worktype - this option will display Notes as line items on the report. If you have the above-mentioned update applied, the Free Text work type functionality replaces the need for this print option.

    The report opens in a new window with relevant information based on the report option selected.

    If you click directly on the Print icon, it will open the default CE report.
  3. When satisfied with the information that appears on the report, click the Print button.

    You can print or email this report to a client or use it to report on the job. Options from the email dropdown are the same as those in the print dropdown.