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The purpose of this report is to measure profitability by Client. The report focuses mainly on the billings to Client i.e. the Client/Supplier Invoices and Credit Notes. The report shows the actual profit by taking into consideration the value of the time recorded in timesheets. This report is mostly used by Finance users.

If your agency uses Chase Insight you can run the Job Profitability report. For more details please follow this link: Job Profitability

This section will focus on the:

Profitability by Client report

  1. To view this report, navigate to Reports and search for the Profitability by Client report.
  2. Select the report and apply filters

    Report columns explained:

    Column nameExplanation
    1ClientName of Client
    2BilledSum of Invoices plus Credit notes to Client
    3Est Cost BilledCost portion on Tax Invoice to Client
    4Est MarginBilled minus Estimated Cost Billed (column 2 - column 3)
    5%Estimated Margin represented as a %
    6Act Cost - Est Cost Billed

    Actual cost (Sum of Supplier invoices plus Supplier Credit notes) minus Estimated Cost Billed (Column 3)

    Actual Cost - Column 3. Where Actual cost = Sum of Supplier invoices plus Supplier Credit notes

    7Gross Margin Estimated margin minus Actual Cost - Est Cost Billed. (column 4 - column 6)
    8%Gross Margin represented as a %
    9Job HoursTimesheet Hours logged
    10Hours ValueActual hours value from User Financials
    11Nett MarginGross margin minus Hours value. (column 7 - column 11)