Chase allows you to integrate with Microsoft Teams, Planner, and Outlook in different ways.
The integration allows for the following:
- Teams: Link/create Microsoft Teams to Chase Jobs and documents. Using this feature, you can share documents company-wide, within a Team. The feature will allow you to link Jobs to your Teams Channel so that employees can refer to relevant projects.
- Planner: Link/create Microsoft Planner task to Chase Jobs and Documents.
- Outlook: Import calendar appointments/meetings into Chase as Timesheets.
Integration with Microsoft 365 applications utilises the Microsoft Graph API. This setup needs to be completed in Microsoft Azure and Chase.
Below are steps to show you how to:
Step-by-step guide
Set up Chase Integration in Microsft Azure
- Navigate to your Internet Browser e.g Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and enter this Azure portal link:
The Microsoft Azure screen opens. - Enter your login details and click the Sign in button.
- Click on New registration.
The Register an application screen appears. - In the Name field, enter the app that will be integrated with Microsoft Graphs.
In this example, Chase Software (Insika Production) was entered. - Ensure that the first radio button is selected under the Supported account types section.
For this example, Accounts in this organisation directory only (Insika Production only - Single Tenant) was selected. Enter your Chase Production URI under the Redirect URI section.
Please copy this link and replace the red text "site url" with your Chase Production URL: https://<site url>/ConnectToOAuthApiTarget.aspx.
In this example, was entered in the Redirect URI field.- Click the Register button.
- Once registered, click the View API permissions button.
The API Permissions screen appears. - Click the Add a permission button.
- Click on Microsoft Graph.
- Click on Delegated permissions.
Type in the field under Select permissions.
Group.Read allows the app to:
- list groups and read their properties as well as all group memberships on behalf of the signed-in user.
- read the calendar, conversations, files, and other group content for all groups the signed-in user can access.
Check the Group.Read.All and Group.ReadWrite.All checkboxes.
Group.ReadWrite.All allows the app to:
- create groups and read all group properties as well as memberships on behalf of the signed-in user.
- read and write the calendar, conversations, files, and other group content for all groups the signed-in user can access. Additionally allows group owners to manage their groups and allows group members to update group content.
- Type directory in the field under Select permission.
Check the Directory.Read.All and Directory.ReadWrite.All checkboxes.
Directory.Read.All allows the app to:
- read data in your organization's directory, such as users, groups, and apps.
- Note: Users may consent to applications that require this permission if the application is registered in their own organization’s tenant.
Directory.ReadWrite.All allows the app to:
- read and write data in your organization's directory, such as users, and groups. However, it does not allow the app to delete users or groups, or reset user password.
Please note that Step 16 - 17 should only be completed if you will be using the Import Time functionality.
- Type calendar in the field under Select permission.
Check the Calendars.Read checkbox.
Calendar.Read allows the app to read events in user calendar
Click the Add permissions button.
The permissions are successfully saved.If the status of the APIs is Not granted, your administrator (IT) will need to grant permissions for APIs added. If you are the administrator you can click the Grant admin consent for (Company Name) button.
Once permission is granted, the status of the APIs will change to green.- Click on Certificates & secrets on the left side of the screen.
The Certificates & secrets screen appears. - Click the New client secret button.
The Add a client secret screen appears. In the Description field enter the name for the client secret.
This can be a short code or abbreviation.
In this example, insikapro was entered.- Select Never under the Expires section.
- Click the Add button.
The Client secret code will be generated.Save the OAuth Client Secret code somewhere as this will be required in Chase. On the left side of the screen, click on Overview.
Click the Copy to clipboard icon next to the Application (client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID code.
The icon will appear when you hover over the ID code. This is the OAuth Client ID and API Account ID which will be used when setting up MsGraphs in Chase.Close the screen and Log into Chase.
Set up MsGraph in Chase
- Click the Settings button and select the API Targets item.
The API Targets screen appears. - Click the Api Target drop down and select the application you want to integrate with.
For this example, msGraph was selected.
More field are added to the screen with information relevant to msGraph. In the OAuth Client ID field enter the Client ID created when you were setting up Chase details in MS Azure.
Please refer to this screenshot on Set up Chase Integration in Microsft Azure
Enter the OAuth Client Secret received when you were setting up Chase details in MS Azure.
Please refer to the screenshot below step 23 on Set up Chase Integration in Microsft Azure- Ensure that the Is Active checkbox is selected.
Scroll down to the API Target Config tab and enter the Directory (tenant) ID in the Api Account ID field.
This is the code that you copied on the last screenshot on Set up Chase Integration in Microsft Azure
Click the Grant Global Consent button to provide all Chase users with permissions to Chase Production.
This step requires an IT Administrator to provide all Chase users with permissions to the Chase Production registered application on the Azure portal.
The Sign in screen appears.
If you are the administrator (IT), enter your login details and click the Next button.
If your agency has a multi factor authentication enabled you will see this screen.
Once authenticated, the Permissions screen will be displayed.
Click the Accept button.
Step 10 and 11 can be skipped if you will not be using the Time Import functionality.Click the Time Import Target tab.
Check the IsActive checkbox next to Outlook Calendar to enable the Import Time functionality.
- Click the Save button.
- Navigate to Company Configuration and select Company Details.
The Company Details screen appears. - Click the Chase Setup tab.
Ensure that the Chase Net Address is entered without a forward slash (/) at the end.
Once the setup is complete, you can start linking/creating Teams Channels, Planner Tasks, and start using the Outlook Calendar Import functionality.