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Terms and Conditions are a set of rules and guidelines that form a legal agreement between companies who trade with each other.

Chase places these predefined terms on various documents.

Below are steps to show you how to set up the Terms and Conditions.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the Settings button on the Ribbon.

  2. On the Configuration screen, click the Company Configuration group to expand it and select Terms and Conditions.

  3. The Terms and Conditions screen appears. In the Report Footer field, enter text that will be printed in the footer of all reports.
  4. Enter the agency's Banking Details to be displayed on Tax Invoices.

  5. In the Terms and Conditions : Cost Estimate field, enter the terms to be displayed on the Cost Estimate documents.

  6. In the Terms and Conditions : Purchase Order field, enter the terms to be displayed on all Purchase Order documents.

  7. Add all the necessary terms and conditions, and Save changes made to the screen.

    The terms and conditions will now appear on documents generated by Chase, such as the CE.