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A workflow enables you to request approval to move the Brief/Amendment from one status to another. Chase allows you to set up an automatic workflow that will be used to request approval from managers or other users to move the Brief/Amendment status. You can also use manual workflows on documents to request approval or notify a user. The appropriate approver will then be notified that the Brief/Amendment requires their approval.

Below are steps to show you how to:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Settings and click on the Workflow Setup item.

  2. On the Workflow Setup screen, click the + Add New button on the Toolbar.

  3. The Set up new / edit existing workflow dialog appears, select the Chase document for which you want to create a Workflow.

     Setup a Brief Workflow

    1. Click on the Applies to field, and select Brief.

     Setup an Amendment Workflow

    1. Click on the Applies to field, and select Amendment.

  4. Click the Trigger field, and select Status Changed.

  5. In the When From Value is equal to field select Draft.

  6. In the When To Value is equal to field select Final.

  7. Click the Action Type field, and select Needs Action.  

    This means that when a User changes the status of the Brief/Amendment, a workflow will be kicked off and an action needs to be performed.

  8. Click the Participants tab to select the Users who need to take action on the Brief and click the + Add New button.

  9. Click on the Respondent field, and select the relevant User.

  10. Click in the Action field and select Approve/Decline.

  11. Check the Required checkbox. 

  12. Click the Create button.


    The Brief Workflow appears on the Workflow Setup screen, and it will be kicked off once the Brief status is changed from Draft to Final.

    For more details on how an automatic workflow gets initiated, follow this help topic: Initiating Workflow Process

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