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Before a CE can be finalised, a Senior person may need to check and approve it. The production user will change the status of the CE which will kick off a workflow. The Senior Manager will then receive a notification on the To Do tab on the Home page. 

Below are steps to show you how to set up a CE workflow.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Settings and click on Workflow Setup in the Configuration tree. 

  2. On the Workflow Setup screen, click the Add New button. 

    The Set up new / edit existing workflow dialog appears. 

  3. Click on the Applies to field, and select Cost Sheet.

  4. In the Trigger field, select Status Changed.

  5. In the When From Value is equal to field, select Draft.

  6. In the When To Value is equal to field, select Final.

  7. Click the Action Type field, and select Needs Action.

    This means that when a Production user changes the status of a Cost Sheet from Draft to Final, a workflow will be kicked off and something needs to be done.

  8. Click the Participants tab to select Users who need to take action on the Cost Sheet and click the + Add New button.

  9. Click on the Respondent field and select the relevant User.

  10. Click on the Action field, and select Approve/Decline.

  11. Click the Create button.

    The workflow will appear on the Workflow Setup screen and it will be kicked off once a Cost Sheet status is changed from Draft to Final.