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Reverts are used to categorise Amendments that are created in Chase as Agency (Internal) or Client (External) Reverts. Agency Reverts are not chargeable to clients as they are initiated internally. Client Reverts are amendments from the client and are typically chargeable after a certain number of reverts. The Job Amendments/Reverts Workflow is used to track Reverts on a Job by counting the number of Job Amendment documents of a certain Revert Type. 

Once the Workflow kicks off, it will send a notification and the recipient can follow up on managing the client expectations/creating a new CE. 

Below are steps to show you how to set up a Job Reverts Workflow.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Settings and click the Workflow Setup item.

  2. On the Workflow Setup screen, click the + Add line button.

    The Set up new / edit existing workflow dialog appears. 

  3. Click on the Applies to field, and select Job Reverts.

  4. Click on the Trigger field, and select Total Amendments (Reverts) created more than {Value} per Job.

  5. In the When Value Greater Than enter the number of reverts that will trigger the workflow.

  6. Click the Action Type drop down and select Notification Only

    Notification Only is the only valid choice for this workflow.

  7. Select the Additional Filters tab and click the Add New button.

  8. Click the Field Name drop down and select a field to which the condition will apply.

    The following options are governed by the Revert Type field on Amendments.

    Internal Reverts - these are changes made within the agency.

    External Reverts - these are changes requested by the Client.

    Unspecified Reverts - this will check for Amendments where the Revert Type field was left blank.

    Other Reverts - any custom revert types that were created by the Chase Administrator. These are created from Lookup Codes.

  9. In the Comparison field select a condition that will be used to compare the item selected in the Field Name.

  10. Enter a Value against which the Field Name will be evaluated.

  11. Click the Participants tab to select the Users who need to be notified in the Job Reverts workflow and click the + Add New button.

  12. Click the drop down arrow on the Respondent field, and select the relevant User.

    By default, the Action field displays Notify as the action to be taken and no other options can be applied for this type of workflow
  13. Click the Create button.

    The Job Revert Workflow appears on the Workflow Setup screen, and it will be kicked off once more than 2 Client Reverts are created on a Job.

    Due to the nature of the workflow check, you might only receive the notification the following day. 

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