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The Timesheet lockout feature forces Users to complete their Timesheets by applying a timesheet lockout activation date. The activation date can be a date or day of week based. 

  • Date - admin will set a date monthly by which timesheets need to be up-to-date.
  • Day of week - each week, timesheets need to be up to date by a certain day of the week.

Please note that this setting can be applied on a company by company level. 

Enabling this setting will trigger mails to be sent out to Users making them aware of the lockout. Users with incomplete Timesheets will be locked out of all Chase features, except for Timesheets, until they complete the required minimum Timesheets. The Users will also be able to extract a report of their incomplete Timesheets.

Find out how to:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Settings, click the Company Configuration group to expand it and select Company Details.  

  2. The Company Details screen appears, click the Traffic Settings tab.

    All Traffic Settings appear.

  3. Click the drop down arrow on the Lockout Type field, and select the relevant option.

     Date Based

    1. On the drop down list, select Date Based.

    2. Select the date on which the activation will take place by clicking the Activation Date picker.

      When setting the Activation Date, the Timesheet Cutoff date must be considered. This is an existing agency-wide setting, found in Global Settings - Timesheet Settings, that specifies a date before which no time may be logged. The timesheet lockout should not consider any timesheets prior to the Timesheet Cutoff Date.

      In a case where there’s no Timesheet Cutoff Date set, the timesheet lockout will consider days from the past 12 months. The Timesheet Activation Date may not be set to a date prior to the Timesheet Cutoff Date.

      From the calendar that appears, select the MonthYear and Day that the activation will start.

      To complete this process follow on from step 4 below.

     Day of Week Based

    1. On the drop down list, select Day of the Week Based.

    2. Select the day of the week in which the Timesheet lockout will happen by clicking the Activation Day of Week and select the relevant day.

      To complete this process follow on from step 4 below.

  4. Select the time that the alert will be sent out to users in the Activation Alert Time field. 

    Activation Alert Time is the time that daily mail notifications will be sent out to employees notifying them about the lockout. The default time will be set to 00:00. When the Activation Date is for the current date and the User attempts to save the Activation Date without setting the Activation Alert Time, an alert will be displayed with the message You have set Timesheet Lockout Activation Date to today’s date, would you like for the Lockout mail to be sent now?.  

  5. Enter the number of hours in the Grace Period field.

    The Grace Period contains a default value of 10. This means Chase will not consider incomplete Timesheets until 10 hours after the start of the Timesheet Lockout Activation Date when enforcing the lockout, thereby accommodating a more lenient Timesheet completion policy. 

    It is also possible to set the grace period to a number of days by inserting the appropriate number of hours. For example, Timesheets must be up to date by Friday 9am, however you only want to lock the user out on Tuesday 9am. In this case, the Activation Day of Week must be Friday, then the Activation Alert Time must be 9am and the Grace Period must be set to 96 hours.

  6. Click the Save button to make your changes permanent.