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This article is made with the assumption that you are familiar with other earlier articles which illustrate the login and navigational properties of the portal.

Firstly, navigate to the Document List  by clicking on Documents in the left menu pane. The screen will provide you a list documents and filter options. Search for the required document and click on the line item to open the Document and view the details.

On the Document details page, the Document Id is listed at the top of the screen and there are a number of tabs. The first tab Document details the document header and lines, you may also view the actual invoice in the browser as seen in the screen below.

The second tab contains change log entries for the current documents. These can be changes made by system processing or by user input. This details the user that made the changes, which fields were changes, the old and the new value as well as the time of the change.

Under User Attachment Tab, user may add any attachment to this document by clicking the select button under this tab.

Notes can be captured on documents under the notes tab. These would be notes related to the document.

The Workflow tab details in what stage the document is in, that is document received in OCR Portal, has document passed all validation checks, is document ready to post , etc... There is also a link to the XML and PDF files sent from readsoft to the OCR Portal, these can be viewed by clicking on the links.

The Validation Result page details why the document failed to post. Users can review the validation message here and take corrective action before trying to process the document again. Note that if the document has been posted successfully, the validation result page will be empty.

The Chat tab is used for messaging between users in the system.

The Mail tab will detail any mail notifications that were generated and send out to any users. These would be notifications of failed validations on the document.

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