Page History
Field Name | Description | ||||||
Studio Cost/hr | Enter your default studio rate. During job reconciliation, this figure will be applied to the estimated hours on a Job's Cost Sheet to calculate expected income. | ||||||
Tax Rate % | Enter the default sales tax rate for the agency's region, e.g. 15% VAT. | ||||||
VAT Rounding Type | Specify how the system must round VAT when calculated for the local currency. Select to round VAT per line item, or on the document's total amount. The default is per line. | ||||||
Home Currency | Enter the agency's default currency. | ||||||
Tax Reg No. | Enter the agency's company tax number. | ||||||
Tax Name | Enter the tax type used in the agency or region, e.g. VAT or GST. | ||||||
Co Reg. No. | Enter the agency's company registration number. | ||||||
Default Daily Hours for Tasks | Enter the number of hours per day that will be automatically assigned to tasks that take longer than one day to complete. This default value can be changed when such a task is created. | ||||||
Move PO with Exported Docs | Allow Purchase Orders to be moved between Jobs even if their Supplier Invoices have already been exported to your accounting package. Uncheck this option to prevent this. | ||||||
Move PO to destination Client with matching Tax No | |||||||
Allow Move of billed Job where destination Client has matching Tax No | |||||||
Move Exported SInv | |||||||
Web logo | Enter a valid path on your server to where the company logo is located. This is the logo that will appear on all printed documents. | ||||||
Logo Alignment | Indicate whether the logo should be placed on the right, centre or left of printed documents. By default, the logo is aligned right. | ||||||
Show Report Timestamp | Check this option to print the date and time the report was created in the footer. | ||||||
Default Text Doc Font Family | Select the font type for all documents. | ||||||
Default Text Doc Font Size | Select the size of the font type selected above. | ||||||
Job Element Must Be Unique | Check this option if you want all Job elements to be unique. | ||||||
Enable PDF Encryption | Check this option to produce encrypted PDFs that cannot be altered. |
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