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Below are steps to show you how to set up custom document numbering on Jobs.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Click the Navigate to Settings, click the Company Configuration group in the Configuration tree.
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    Click the to expand it and select Company Details item. 
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  2. On the Company Details screen appears. 
    Click the  screen, click the Company Settings tab.
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    The Company Settings screen appears. 

  3. Click the drop down arrow on the Amendments field, and select Click the Amendments, Briefs, and Cost Estimates field, and select Count Per Job Bag or Count Per Company.


    Select the Count Per Company -this option to will apply the number sequence on all documents created across all Companies.

    Select the Count Per Job Bag - select this option to apply the number sequence on documents created on a Job Bag. The document number will consist of the Job Bag number with a forward slash followed by a single number commencing from 1, indicating the first created Amendment, Brief or CE.  For example, CE document number of 123/2 indicates that it is the second CE created on Job Bag 123. 

    All Amendments, Briefs and CEs created for a Job Bag will follow a number sequence of the Job Bag.  These numbers are sequential , and will change from single digits to double, or triple digits if required.

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    Click the drop down arrow on the Briefs field, and select Count Per Job Bag or Count Per Company
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    Do the same on the Cost Estimate field, if required.  
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    Not all documents have to follow the Job Bag number sequence.  You can select which option you want to use for each document.

  4. Click the Save button to make your changes permanent changes made to the screen.
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    If the the Count Per Job Bag option  option was selected for a Brief, the number sequencing from the first created document on a Job will be displayed.
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